
kinds of homosexuals fur them to be classed as a 'type'. Yet that is exactly what some writers and psychologists soon to be trying to do, and they should know better. very fast that they attempt te lump all homosexuais sogether betrays their poverty of experienos. Tet they manags tə soll articles on the subject because the publ!e is a» ●ompletely ignerant of it and the editors sithar dex't know or don't care, they are simply looking for something sunsational that will sell magazines.

"You have tapped a big field here and I ham no doubts at all that your magazine will grew bigger and better STOPY year, espacially as long as you keep it on the high ethical. plane with which it started.

J.M., Port Orchard, Tash,

Enclosed please find check for two dollars to cover cost of a two-year subscription to your sagazine, THE LADDER.


"Good luck to you in this venture. I wa voking forward with »onsiderable interest to the forthcoming farues and the expressed ideas and attitudes of the members of your staff and the contributors."

A.B. Gottlober, Ph.D. Los Angeles, Calif.

and an enclosing a dollar for a

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You haven't been forgotter questions were raibes overwhelming, and we have been swamped. Have you tried Pageant or Gorenst? Letter will follow – ewentually. sztually. Pleas

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Please bavo
